Like any nonprofit, volunteers keep this place running. Join us. It's fun. It has its perks. And it's a great way to give back.
Alpine race volunteers will receive a lift ticket for the day (if they don't have a pass), plus a lift voucher for another day of skiing. (Intro jamborees are a lift ticket for that day only.)
All BSF Members & Trail Members are eligible to volunteer at the Ski Swap. And all volunteers get in to shop the sale extra early on Saturday morning, at 8 a.m. We have hundreds of volunteer spots to fill. Pick one or more.
Need a BSF Membership or Trail Membership for the 2024-25 season?
One of the ways BSF keeps program fees lower is through volunteer hours. Without your volunteer hours, we need to use additional paid staff to fill the void; this increases program costs significantly and impacts many families' ability to afford ski programs. When only a small percentage of BSF parents take on the brunt of volunteer hours, it leads to volunteer burnout. Let's keep the volunteer spirit alive and keep skiing accessible!
We have openings for help at practices, organizing ski and fundraising events, helping at the events themselves, as well as trail work and volunteering for our community trails. We encourage you to volunteer for ANY program--Nordic, Alpine, Freestyle, or trails.