1. BSF reserves the right to restrict participation.
2. BSF reserves the right to amend policies and procedures as needed.
3. All athletes and parents must agree to accept and abide by the policies of BSF.
BSF Travel Fee Policies: for race, competition, and training events:
1. Prior to an event* athletes will be emailed an estimate of expenses for the event. Estimates are approximated expenses. It is not possible to calculate exact costs prior to an event. Cost estimates are based on fixed and variable costs and vary from discipline to discipline. These costs may include, but are not limited to, race/event entries, lift tickets/trail passes, lodging, transportation (road and air), gas, meals, banquet fees, coaches’ expenses &
wages, wax surcharge, and administrative surcharge. The trip estimate will itemize cost categories.
2. Athletes are required to pre-pay in advance of the event the flat fee estimate of expense for the event. After the event, costs are reconciled and an athlete is charged actual costs of the trip. If there was an over-estimate, an athlete's account is credited the difference. If there was an under-estimate, an athlete's account is charged the difference and invoiced. Accounts may be accessed at any time by contacting the BSF accountant, and account statements will be emailed periodically to participants.
3. If requested, end-of-year account statements will be sent to each athlete/family, and an athlete/family may request the credit be applied to his/her account or a refund check.
4. Refunds for cancellations are typically not allowed, but any refund situation must be approved by the Program Director and coordinated with the BSF Accountant.
*An “event” is defined as a home or away race, freestyle competition, and some other training opportunities.
• Travel and lodging policies vary from discipline to discipline and event to event. Travel and lodging policies are subject to change throughout the season and will be updated. Travel and lodging is subject to all U.S. Ski and Snowboard athlete safety requirements including SafeSport Code, Code of Conduct, Athlete Safety Policies and Mino Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information can be found at usskiandsnowboard.org.
• If an athlete violates BSF Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Rules while traveling with BSF or at an away event, the athlete may be sent home immediately at the parents’ cost at whatever means is most convenient. No reimbursement of program or event fees will be made.
Nordic: To meet the goals of BSF Nordic programming and to accommodate BSF families, BSF Nordic generally chooses to travel and lodge at away events as a team rather than having individual families and athletes travel and lodge separately. All lodging arrangements are made and paid for in advance by BSF. BSF attempts to find affordable, adequate lodging. BSF groups athletes together in rooms and attempts to provide a full or shared bed for every athlete.
Alpine: For winter events (excluding some camps) Alpine racers and families are generally responsible for their own travel and lodging at away events. The Alpine Administrator will publish a race schedule with recommended accommodations. However, it is the responsibility for each family to make their own hotel reservations. Although it is not required, athletes usually stay with family members in a hotel where the team and coaches are all staying. With the approval of BSF-Alpine Head Coach, athletes not staying with family members may stay in a room with same-gender teammates. Alpine Coaches are not responsible for the supervision, chaperoning, or travel arrangements for any BSF alpine athlete when traveling to away races. It is assumed that athletes will be responsible for themselves. Parents are responsible to provide supervision for their children. If Alpine chooses to travel and lodge at away events as a team rather than having individual families and athletes travel and lodge separately, coaches will announce the trip as a BSF trip. On these BSF trips, all lodging arrangements are made and paid for in advance by BSF. BSF attempts to find affordable, adequate lodging. BSF groups athletes together in rooms and attempts to provide a full or shared bed for every athlete.
Freestyle: Freestyle competitors and families are responsible for their own travel and lodging at away events. The Program Director will publish a competition schedule with recommended accommodations. However, it is the responsibility of each family to make their own hotel reservations. Coaches are not responsible for the supervision, chaperoning, or travel arrangements for any BSF freestyle athlete when traveling to away contests. It is assumed that athletes will be responsible for themselves. Parents are responsible to provide supervision for their children. At away events, the sole responsibility of a BSF Freestyle coach is to provide on-snow coaching.