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Movie Recommendations For Your Next Off Day

October 6, 2024
by Erin Bianco

As we all know training and putting in the work is extremely important to becoming stronger, fitter, and faster. Any time I log on to the internet these days I feel inundated with motivational speeches and some influencer telling how they only made gainz by never skipping a day for 5 years. Consistency and quality of training are extremely important to get better at skiing; however, rest is really where the adaptations happen. You could train 1,500 hours a year and never get any better if you never rested and your body didn’t absorb the training. That is why you should rest as hard as you train. Something I have seen top endurance athletes say like Killian Jornet if you take a rest day it should be only a rest day no errands no cleaning the house no unnecessary movement beyond maybe some easy active recovery. You should rest hard. That being said, I am here to share my top movie list for you to watch on your next rest day. Hopefully I can provide some films that are new to you.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
My all time favorite feel good, adventure, breaking out of your shell movie to watch when your sad or when your not.
The Triangle of Sadness
An edgy social comedy that is extremely satirical. Probably not good for those who don’t like bodily fluids.
The Deepest Breath
A eye opening look into the world of free diving and a captivating story about humans relationships with mortality.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
A classic romcom
Road House
The remake and old are both cult classics that are to stupid to be bad.